The Top 8 Foods You Should Be Eating to Boost Your Brainpower

Is your brain as sharp as it could be? If you want to make sure it’s firing on all cylinders, there are certain nutrients you should focus on eating every day. Check out this list of the top 8 foods that boost brainpower. Some of them may surprise you! And don’t forget to scroll down at the end to learn how these nutritious treats can help your memory, too!

1) Eggs

Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition and protein. Eggs contain choline, which helps keep your brain cells strong and healthy. The vitamin B12 in eggs supports improved memory and mood, as well as protects nerve cells from damage. Eggs are a good source of biotin for healthy hair, skin, and nails. They also have the right fats that you need for brain health- omega-3 fatty acids.

2) Blueberries

Blueberries may seem like just another berry, but they have so many other health benefits. They have been shown to prevent the development of type-2 diabetes, reduce risk of heart disease and protect from cancer. 

In addition, blueberries offer a variety of nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber that can support cognitive function. While research suggests that a lot more study is needed for understanding the effects of blueberries on cognition in humans, animal studies show promising results. These findings suggest that adding blueberries to your diet may offer some protection against age-related memory decline or dementia due to brain degeneration.

3) Lean meats

This one is a no-brainer. Lean meats provide your body with the protein it needs to power through the day and provide you with essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Lean meats are also often much lower in calories and fat than other animal proteins. The next time you go grocery shopping, grab some lean beef (round or flank steak), ham, chicken breasts or ground turkey so that you can enjoy these amazing benefits that lean meats have to offer.

4) Broccoli

broccoli is packed with nutrients that can improve your memory, protect your cells from DNA damage, and lower the risk of some cancers. It contains lots of vitamin K and folate, two nutrients that help you stay sharp as you age. It also provides high levels of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols which fight the toxic substances in the body responsible for ageing it. This anti-inflammatory compound is important in keeping your blood vessels young and flexible so they deliver blood efficiently to all areas of the body - including your brain. Once digested, polyphenols will find their way into your cerebral spinal fluid providing protection against free radicals that can cause cell death and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

5) Avocado

Avocados are one of the most nutrient-dense foods, making them a nutritional powerhouse that can help you reach your goals faster. A single avocado provides 35% of your daily potassium needs, which helps maintain proper blood pressure levels and keep muscles from cramping up. It also contains folate, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and fiber. 

A medium avocado gives you about 20% of your daily needs for calcium and iron. However, these two nutrients need to be consumed in a certain ratio so as not to counteract each other (too much calcium will make it hard for your body to absorb the iron you need). One solution is to prepare a homemade salad dressing with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar instead of dairy products.

6) Beans

Beans are high in fiber and protein, low in fat, a good source of complex carbohydrates and contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. All this means that beans can help reduce your risk for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and cancer. Not only that but they are also excellent brain food thanks to their folate (folic acid), which helps repair cell membranes so that they can function properly- an important process when it comes to cognition. Beans have also been shown to contribute significantly towards mental development. Studies have found that populations who eat a lot of beans on a regular basis score higher on IQ tests than those who don't eat them at all! 

Beans are inexpensive and versatile so you'll never be bored with them!

7) Spinach

This nutrient-rich leafy green is loaded with beta-carotene, vitamin E, and potassium. This means it has natural anti-inflammatory properties, boosts eye health, and has been linked to improvements in memory loss. When you're on the go looking for something healthy to eat or are just not feeling that great these days, there's no better option than an organic spinach salad or sautéed spinach as a side dish. It's easy on your wallet too!

8) Wild Salmon

For many people, their diet is the most powerful weapon against cognitive decline and mental fatigue. And as we grow older, it becomes more and food more important than ever before. One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain health is salmon (specifically wild). And this high fat content means you're going to need less meat, so you can spend your money on healthier sources like nuts or beans.